The professional, responsive, friendly and supportive HR team within the Trust have many years of experience to fully support the Trust’s needs. It is our aim to support the strategic vision of the Trust through the development of people, capability and the organisation.
Here to help
Led by our Director of HR, Tracey Cook, the central HR team is dedicated to providing high-quality information and advice. While schools within the Trust will retain some responsibility for elements of the HR process such as staff inductions and managing staff absence records, the central team will oversee:
- Recruitment, Selection and Induction
- Managing volunteers
- Sourcing supply staff where required
- Maintenance of a single central record of staff, visitors, contractors and volunteers
- MAT payroll system
- Staff absence management
- Staff performance monitoring
- Maternity/Paternity/Adoption leave processes
- Trade Union relations
- Apprenticeship management
- HSE accident reporting
- Investigations, allegations and formal staff meetings
- Dealing with staffing concerns
- Restructures and redundancy situations
- HR policy and procedure creation
- Staff training records
- Workforce census’ on behalf of DfE
- Legal advisory services (where required)
To find out more about how our central HR team could support your school, get in touch or download our Trust brochure.
Our HR Team